

TThe mission of the education department is to foster cross-generational, life long engagement of the Word of God through various modes of learning. Through passionate teaching and discovery, we hope to engage every, mind, and soul in study towards a more intimate faith. In keeping with the Psalmist’s counsel in Psalm 34.8, we feel that ‘tasting and seeing’ the Lord’s goodness requires all of our five senses in learning - through classroom instruction or trips abroad. Our ultimate aim aligns with apostle Paul’s instruction to Timothy that through continuous education and training, our community of believers as servants “of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3.17).” 

We encourage everyone to interact with us through this page as we allow God to “open our eyes to behold the wondrous things in his Word (Psalm 119.18),” Amen.


To build up the body of Christ by establishing a strong foundation in the word of God through the development of a unifying education curriculum, including films, lectures, and tests, among all ministries and auxiliaries.